CCI Support Wellington
Health & Wellness Facilitator
Tuesday and Friday 9am till 2pm
Wellington – Phone or Txt: 027 245 5961
[email protected]
Dear Wellington members,
Happy November month, I cannot believe it is almost the end of the year!
With this in mind, I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to talk to me this month, it has been wonderful walking alongside you through this journey that we call life. I know this year has been tough for many, and when I read this poem, I thought of the importance of self-compassion
during tough times in our lives.
I think there are past versions of me that get together for coffee,
they talk about who I used to be and how I overcame all that was thrown at me. They don’t gossip, talk badly, or bring up all my mistakes.
They meet for coffee. And cheer me on every single day.
Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others. I often reflect on ways in which we can be kind to ourselves, and what would that look like. For me, it often involves treating myself the same way I would treat one of my friends, being supportive, and helpful towards myself. Just as in the poem above!
Honouring our beautiful, and imperfect humanity. We are often doing our best with what we have, and as many of you have heard me say before “we are not robots” therefore, we will never be perfect. And it is absolutely fine to be perfectly unperfect.
Please, as always, know I’m here if you ever need to talk. I would love to hear how you honour
self-compassion, so feel free to send me an email, text, or a little carrier pigeon with a message. I always love hearing from you 🙂
Monthly Members Meetings
Is for all our members who want to attend a monthly meeting but do not have the extra energy to leave their homes
Currently, all Monthly Member Meetings are held online. We welcome you to join us - if you need support getting online, please contact your facilitator and we can have a practice prior to meeting time so that you feel more comfortable on the day.
Social Groups
Wellington Central
The venue changes each month, so watch for emails and check the facebook group for updates or contact Luisa via email for more information
Kapiti Coast
The venue changes each month, so watch for emails and check the facebook group for updates or contact Luisa via email for more information
Hutt Valley
The venue changes each month, so watch for emails and check the facebook group for updates or contact Luisa via email for more information
Want to Speak to your Health and Wellness Facilitator?
Donate to CCIS
All Donations over $5 are tax rebatable.