07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

Extra Resources

Reputable Resources

Sometimes it is hard to go online and decipher whether what you are seeing is legit and a good place to find relevant, up to date and ‘good’ research.  Often we are bombarded with opinion-based ‘research’ – presented as fact.

CCI Support does have some places that we consider reputable research-based groups and thought sharing these with you would be beneficial.  We have also given some handy hints about researching information to be able to evaluate if in fact it is reputable, valid and reliable.


Reliable Source?

Who wrote the article?

Who conducted the study?

What is their qualification?

What is their bias?

Are they a trustworthy source of information?




Every research has a reason.  We need to determine the motive and bias that may be present in the research undertaken. Are they trying to generate income, lobby for change, sway a group of people to their belief system. Essentially we look for what has influenced the study.

Who funded the study?




How was the data collected?  Was it interviews, self-completed questionnaires or science based results. It could be a combination of all of the above.  Who was selected and what was the sample size of participants. Was the response rate sufficient to really see if this is a good cross-section of the community analysed?


The data

Does the data back up the claims made?

Have they referenced other reputable sources of data?

Do they have secondary data?

Was it peer reviewed? Peer review is a system of evaluation by peers whom, ideally, have expertise in the subject area.

Is the data valid/accurate?


Extra Resources

Dr. Ros Vallings

These hand outs provide useful information in more detail about managing  specific aspects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome



Emeritus Professor Warren Tate

University of Otago researchers have proved in two studies that chronic fatigue is not psychosomatic, despite the widely held belief. The Panel on RNZ speak to Emeritus Professor Warren Tate, from the University of Otago’s Department of Biochemistry.


Bateman Horne Center

Bateman Horne Center

BHC provides informed educational resources and programming to improve understanding and assist with self-management.

On these pages, BHC delivers specific disease content, resources for managing your care, and an extensive video library.


Health Rising


Health Rising is dedicated to providing timely, accurate information to people with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia.


CFS Self Help


CFS Self Help has Practical Resources


Optimum Health Clinic

​Driving research of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS),
Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia and Long Covid

Open Medicine Foundation

Frontiers in Paediatrics

Invest in ME


Annual international Conferences and research Colloquiums. Bring together researchers, clinicians, patient groups and patients/carers in order to make progress in research into ME. These are CPD-Accredited events held in London.

#ME pedia


Great guide to all things ME/CFS

The ME Association

ME Awareness

ME Awareness Resources

A New Zealand based group aiming to raise awareness about the condition in NZ.



We can help!

If you are ever concerned with the information you are finding online. Please contact your facilitator, they can help you determine if what you are finding is legit, reputable and a good source of information.

Just click the link below and navigate to your ‘area’ to find your facilitator’s contact details.


“I have spent 19 years reading, researching, reading books, and listening to internationally recognised speakers about ME and FM, trying both the medical and alternative health treatments, desperately trying to find a way back to being well. But it wasn’t until I attended the Towards Wellness workshops did the real change begin to take place for me.”

Participant in the towards wellness prograM


Book review

The Fatigue Book by Lydia Rolley - Chronic fatigue syndrome and long COVID fatigue practical tips for recovery Sense of an author who is personally invested The Fatigue Book immediately conveys the sense of an author who is personally invested – and indeed, Lydia...

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