Hello lovely WBOP members.

Haven’t we had some stunning Autumn Days recently? More settled and calm. We can try and mirror this in our own lives, as we move into the cooler months ahead. Autumn and Winter are a time to reflect, wind down, and be grateful for the things we have achieved throughout the year. Even those little achievements are there to be appreciated and acknowledged. Let’s use this time to thank our bodies for all that it has gone through. It continues to do the things it does despite our conditions. It is a survivor!

March has been a time for the Tauranga branch of CCI Support to settle down into its new premises. Even though there are so many things that still need doing, it feels like home, and we are very pleased with the move.

The in-person restorative movement and breathwork classes have started up again, which is always a pleasure to do, and a lovely way to connect with you. I have also recently completed some training in Poly Vagal Therapy which I’m super excited to share with you all later during the year at our member meetings.

I have had some good inroads into bringing more awareness of CCI Support services to other health professionals this month. This helps raise the awareness of ME / CFS / FM and related condition, which is always a goal of CCI Support.

The members section of our website (https://ccisupport.org.nz/members-only/) has been updated and if you scroll down the tab to workshops, you will find lots of videos on breathing practices, mindfulness meditation, and relaxation (yoga nidra). A perfect resource for those Autumn and Winter days ahead. If you would like to give me some feedback on any of these practices, I would really appreciate it (and a sneaky way of getting you to do it!). You can email me on [email protected].

Take care x