Hello lovely WBOP members.

I can smell spring in the air!! As the buds start to reopen we feel as though we want to start to reopen. Whether that be starting new projects or re-starting our symptom management with pacing and diet etc. Whatever it maybe we need to embrace this and at the same time, not be too hard on ourselves if we have let things slip. Its all good! We just come back to those small adjustments in a caring gentle way. Like when you are practicing mindfulness and your mind wonders, don’t get annoyed just become awareness of this and come back to your practice. Remember making those small consistent changes over time and often revisiting those management tools help us on our wellness journey.

I hope you have been able to join me on my Facebook breathing practices and now the relaxation practices. I know this will be a really good tool to help our nervous system to switch into that rest, digest, and repair function, and it’s pretty lonely doing it on my own!!

The Towards Wellness Programme is underway, it’s been a massive undertaking by all of us and I am so proud that we finally achieved this. I will be looking forward to facilitating / meeting those who decide to undertake this programme through our Toward Wellness Hub monthly Q&A catch-ups.

Till next time, keep taking care of yourself 😊