A very big hello to all our Nelson/Marlborough based members.

The months are certainly flying by, as we enter May already!

I hope you are settling well into the Autumn season, a reminder that heat packs and hot water bottles can be so helpful for easing aches and pains and providing extra comfort.

I have enjoyed catching up with many of you over the past month. Our online social group specifically for Nelson/Marlborough based members is held on the first Thursday of each month at 1pm, and also our new in-person meeting is held for our Nelson based members on the 2nd Monday of each month, at the Nelson Library from 1.30-2.30pm. Florence, our local support co-ordinator, will be attending this in-person group and is looking forward to seeing you. Please let me know if you would like more details about either of these meetings. If you would like to contact Florence please do so by emailing [email protected]

May 12th is a very special day in our calendar as we mark World ME Day.  We will be thinking of all of our members on this day, you may see publicity about ME/CFS around this time too as organisations like ours work hard to grow awareness of this condition.

Our website www.ccisupport.org.nz is a great source of information and resources, particularly under the members only section. Please let us know if you have any trouble accessing this by calling admin on 0800 224 787.

I wish you all a lovely month of May, stay warm and keep taking good care of yourselves.