Kia Ora to our beautiful Wellington members!

Another month down, where is this year going? I find this very shocking how we are past the mid way point.

The weather has been a little bit miserable out there, so I hope that you are taking every opportunity you can to seek the sun, whenever it shows up. That sun exposure is so good for the soul and our health, even if it’s just a peep!

Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to talk to me this month, you know I love catching up with you, and hearing how you are all doing. So please always feel free to reach out and email, or text anything that you might want to share with me, or if you would like any resources, books from our library or information. 

We have something exciting starting in August! We have been working on creating a space for people who cannot attend our social meetings (Either online or in person) during the week due to work or other commitments. The “After Work” online social group will start on the first Thursday of August at 6.30 pm. This will be hosted by a variety of Health and Wellness Facilitators (Including myself) so I’m very excited to catch up with whoever can make it 😊

Also please remember that for those who cannot make our monthly weekday meetings here in Wellington, our wonderful Rachel Bellam organises a weekend meeting once a month in Lower Hutt. Keep an eye out for my emails with the dates and times for the face to face social meetings 😊

I have also been working hard in preparing our August monthly members meeting, where we will be talking about Chronic Illness and Trauma. It is a very interesting topic, and will tie in very nicely with the September meeting about Vagal Nerve Activation that will be presented by Annabelle. I am aware that this topic is very sensitive, so please feel free to contact me or any of us, if you would like to discuss anything further. We are always here for you. 

I look forward to catching up with you all at some point this month, and keep chasing those glimmers!! 
