Kia Ora to our beautiful Wellington members!

I hope everyone has been enjoying the sunshine (not so much the super chilly weather). Wellington really is so special on a sunny day, and this weather provides us with the perfect opportunity to get a little extra vitamin D, which can be so beneficial to our physical and mental health.

I hope you were all able to catch up with the really informative meeting this month, which was hosted by our lovely Tracey along with Dr Vallings. The monthly meetings are a great place to connect with one another (albeit via Zoom), but we are hopeful to bring back an in-person option in the next several months! In the meantime, if anyone is interested in coming along to our coffee group, please let me know so I can keep you inform of where and when we will meet. Our lovely Frances Le Fort does a stellar job at organising them every month in different locations around Wellington, and I can honestly say they are one of the things I look forward to the most every month!

I hope everyone is keeping warm and healthy, and if there is anything I can do to support you please get in touch. I love hearing from our members, and it is always great to catch up with people on the phone, or in person.
