Kia Ora to our Wellington members!

We have made it to June! How fast is this year going?

We had the first Porirua meeting in May, and it was lovely to try a new location. We found a wonderful, quiet cafe that we will continue to use for future meetings. If you haven’t join us in one of our social meetings, please feel free to do so! It is always wonderful to meet others in person.

The Porirua meeting will alternate monthly with our Hutt Valley meeting, and it will give others the chance to attend a meeting closer to their area.

I have been reading about the wonderful job that neuroplasticity does in our brains!  At times when we are experiencing difficult moments, your brain can fear that the moment will never end. This might be that you’re experiencing pain, grief, or discomfort due to a horrible situation. Your brain shares the same worry. When we experience difficult feelings something called emotional reasoning takes place. This means that the emotion that you feel now, informs your brain’s sense of what will happen in the future. So that really hard thing that is happening feels final. 

Even when things pass, when you worry about potential hard times, the brain assumes that is where the story ends. We can change this process through neuroplasticity! We can start by spotting it in action, just as it is. We don’t need to fight to convince our brains or ourselves that it will be ok, we can just gently remind our brain that it’s not the end of the story. 

We can do things like this to help:

  • Pick a moment of difficulty (write this down preferably). 
  • List all the things that you did across the month to years, to move you away from the difficulty and distress of it. 
  • When you feel that worry of “what if”, check in with your list 😊

If anyone tries this, feel free to always share it with me. I would love to know how you’re doing. 

I hope you have a restful June! And look forward to seeing you/ talking to you all soon!
