07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

Different ways to contribute to supporting CCI Support

Individual Donors

Complex Chronic Illness Support Incorporated is a registered charity supporting people with complex chronic illnesses. We rely on the generosity of funders and donations to continue to support and help improve the quality of life of our members, their caregivers and family/whanau.

We are approved by Inland Revenue as being for charitable purposes, so any donation of $5.00 or greater qualifies to be included in your annual tax return as a rebate.

Free Wills

Complex Chronic Illness Support Incorporated has joined up with ‘Gathered Here’ to provide free wills.  

Sadly, traditional will-writing can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars which makes it difficult for many people to write a will or plan to support the causes they care about.

So, we’ve partnered with Gathered Here, to offer our supporters access to a FREE online will. It is as easy as possible for people to write a FREE will and if they want to, include a gift to charity too (please choose us HAHA).

Start your FREE Will by clicking HERE


  • It’s free
  • You can update it anytime for free
  • It takes around 10 minutes to write
  • It’s 100% legal, just make sure you get it signed properly.
  • All instructions are included.
  • You can add a legacy gift to CCI Support if you wish.


  • Not great for complicated wills with child custody arrangements, multiple properties etc.
  • It’s not stored with a Lawyer – so you will need to let your family know you have one and when the time comes, your appointed executor will need to action it.


Wellness Sponsors

Perfect for Small Businesses, wanting to show their corporate responsibility and support their local area. 

Your business will be seen as an organisation with a conscience, who is willing to use profit for good, to help those living with complex chronic illnesses.

Your support will help us ensure that no one faces the challenges of chronic illness alone and that everyone receives the care and assistance they deserve. Together, we can build a stronger, more supportive community for individuals and families affected by chronic illnesses.

Corporate Sponsors

Complex Chronic Illness Support Incorporated would be very interested to hear form any Large Business wanting to become a Corporate Sponsor for us.

We appreciate your support

If you have any queries about donating, the work we do, or would like to get more involved – we’d love to hear from you.

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