Hi everyone,

I hope this find you well.  I would like to say a huge thank you to those of you who have recently renewed your membership with CCI Support – It is a privilege to be able to hold space for you and to support you on your journey to wellness. 

It has been great to catch up with members from all around NZ this month, the weather is beginning to cool down as Autumn is in full swing. Heat packs and hot water bottles can be really helpful at this time of year, helping to calm aches and pains.

A reminder that the CCI Support online social groups can be a great way to connect with other members from all across our country.  A brief explanation about each of these groups can be found on our website along with dates and times for each group.  If you are unsure about which group might be a good fit for you please reach out to us and we can help guide you.

I look forward to catching up with many more of you over the next month or so. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I you are needing more support, I always love to receive your emails and texts.

Please continue taking good care of yourselves,
