Hi everyone, I hope you have been enjoying the crisp Winter weather!

This month has whizzed by. I have enjoyed connecting with many of you who have attended the online social groups. These groups provide a great space to connect with others who understand. We talk about all sorts of things, not always illness related. We have recently had quite a few members share their hobbies, including knitting, crocheting, card making and wood work. In fact, we have just set up a new forum on our website (www.ccisupport.org.nz) to include a space to share more about hobbies, such as You Tube knitting videos, patterns and various other things. Please feel free to contribute to any of our forums, or if you would like to learn more about our online social groups or our forums, contact your Facilitator.

Speaking of our website, there are some very helpful resources and information available for our members, so take some time to have a browse around. You can also find copies of our past monthly members meetings video presentations too with topics such as Brain Fog, Sleep, Pacing and Pre-emptive Resting under “Meetings” in the members area of the website.

I look forward to meeting with more of you soon, in the meantime please continue to take good care of yourselves.

