Happy New Year to our Waikato members!

My name is Saya, and I am the new Waikato Health and Wellness Facilitator.
I am looking forward to connecting with you all soon.

To introduce myself, I have a background in population, community, and Māori health, and I am passionate about empowering people on their wellness

Waikato is my home, and I’m excited to contribute to the community that has shaped me. I’m here to support you and your whānau in strengthening all aspects of your well-being.

I hope you are all managing to stay cool during this warm weather we’ve been having!

I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming in-person and online social groups.

Waikato In person Social Groups:

Waikato Young Ladies – 1st Thursday of each month at 10.30am

Te Awamutu Coffee Group – 3rd Friday of each month at 1.00pm

Waikato Coffee Group – Last Tuesday of each month at 1.00pm