Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato.

I hope you are all having a good day today. And I hope you were all able to enjoy Matariki last week.  A time for reflection, appreciation and celebration of the present and planning for the year ahead.

I understand that when you are in the grips of chronic health, appreciation of the present and planning for your future can be difficult to achieve.  These concepts feel like they need to be big gestures, which can make it more daunting to consider. If this is how you are feeling, then finding even the smallest thing to appreciate can be enough. Planning how to make your next meal, or take your next shower can be enough … for now. Seeing the kingfisher on the fence post may be all you can appreciate today. And that is enough too. I encourage you to be gentle with yourself, breathe, give yourself a hug, and know, that we know, you are there doing the best you can for today.

Nga mihi aroha
