Kia ora and welcome from the Mighty Waikato!

As I write today, the sun is shining, and the sky is blue!! I feel like taking a photo as it feels like such a rare event to have such a cracker day! So as part of my gratitude journal today, I give thanks to this gorgeous day and the lift I feel deep in my soul because of it.

Do you write a gratitude journal? I really encourage you to find three things to be grateful for each day. I know that sometimes it can be a hard thing to to do when you’re feeling gloomy, and the weather of late has really influenced a sense of gloom, that is for sure. So I encourage you to try this for month: You will be amazed at how you can feel lighter and more positive despite the gloom and challenges you may face with illness. Chronic illness can make us become inward thinking and hypervigilant about every nuance that occurs within. Writing a gratitude journal helps to turn your mind outwards on a daily basis to look beyond ourselves.  I do find this time of year can be delightful as nature shows off her beauty with the stunning hues of bronze, golds, ambers, deep reds and burgundies in the trees. Just stunning!! So if nothing else, being in awe of the beauty in nature can lift your spirits and help you get through the day. So this can be a good place to start if gratitude journaling is foreign to you.

On another note, due to the volume of referrals to our student counsellors, we have taken on another student counsellor, Shannon from the Waikato. If you are needing counselling support, please remember that we do offer a free service, so let your Health & Wellness Facilitator know so a referral can be actioned.

Take care.