Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato

The seasons are a changing!! We have now settled into Autumn, and winter will soon be biting at Autumn’s heels, so I do hope you snuggle down somewhere comfortable and enjoy this edition

So, here we go again… a slow decline towards winter. It’s my favourite time of year, I love witnessing the trees change colour into magnificent hues of golds, rusts and deep reds. Such a sight never goes unappreciated as I give a ‘shout out’ of gratitude to Mother Nature and the masterpieces she paints.

I hope you have all had a great Easter and allowed yourself a small indulgence. I certainly have!!!  For those with IBS and food intolerances, I hope you have found an alternative to Easter eggs and hot crossed buns that enabled you to still partake in the tradition. For those who are able to work, I hope you have enjoyed the Easter break and were able to rest up.

I am looking forward to Dr Vallings webinar for World ME day on the 12th May at 10.30. The link will be emailed out in due course so keep an eye on your inbox. We will be asking you to send in any questions you may have prior to Dr Vallings presentation so she can answer them on the day. Email your question to your Health and Wellness Facilitator and we will pass them onto Dr Vallings before the presentation.

Nga mihi     Tracey Larsen