Kia Ora and welcome from the mighty Waikato!

In my last post, I commented that spring is yet to get its spring on… And we are still waiting!! Hands up, who else is over this rain? We have a little stream at the back of our property and five times this year we have seen flooding up to levels that were previously witnesses five years ago, and rarely prior to that. I think I am evidencing climate change in the flesh!

You may have noticed that I always comment on the weather and seasonal changes. This is because I know how much seasonal fluctuations impact our ME / CFS / FM community. So, when we have wet, cold or hot and humid weather, my thoughts always go out to you all and I hope you are coping okay. On the most beautifully stunning days, my thoughts travel to you in the hope that you are able to get outside to soak up some precious Vitamin D and have the sunshine fill your soul with peace, gratitude and goodness.

This year has been a mixed bag of events in my life as a Health & Wellness Facilitator here at CCIS. A lot of effort has gone into creating the online format for our Towards Wellness Programme and among sickness and other events that have taken me away from my work, I am well behind in keeping up with my welfare check-ins. If it has been a while since you have heard from me personally, I do apologise for this. As stated above, please do know that you are in my thoughts often. I have appreciated those who attend our social group meetings as this is a great way to connect with you regularly. And please, if you are in need of support, a kind ear, some information or have a question, please know that I am available. Just text, email or leave a voice message to advise that you require a phone call and I will get back to you.

Today as I write this, we are exactly 31 days away from Christmas. YIKES!  Where has the year gone! Our December monthly member meeting topic is Pacing. We felt it was a good time to discuss this to help you navigate the busy time approaching, so be sure to zoom in for that for that.

I look forward to seeing those who attend our Picnic in the Park on the 10th of December at Innes Common, Hamilton. This will be a fun day and a great opportunity for clients and supporters, carers, and family members to also meet and mingle with others who understand and validate your experiences and struggles with such health conditions.

So … As this is the last update for this year, I take this opportunity to wish you all a healthy, safe, restful Christmas, holiday season and New Year and I look forward to connecting with you in one way or another next year. I will be finishing on 23rd December and back in the office on Tuesday 17th January 2023.

Ka kite koe I te mutunga, see you later,
