Kia ora and welcome from the Mighty Waikato

I hope you are all well and enduring the changeable weather. Winter is letting us know it is well and truly here now with rain, wind and frosts. I hope those who find the cold difficult to bear are keeping warm and snug. And I know there are those of you who love the cold, so are finally getting a reprieve from some of your symptoms. Enjoy!

May was an exciting month with Dr Vallings speaking in Hamilton. In her usual style, she presented a compelling talk with latest research updates and information regarding the link between ME and Covid -19. We had record numbers attend too, with over 80 people filling the hall. Half of those attending where members of the public in response to a newspaper article published in three rural townships outside of Hamilton. This highlights that ME/CFS/FM is more prevalent than I thought. Following on from this, our Waikato membership numbers continue to grow steadily. In a typical year I would gain 20-25 new clients, but I have gained this many in 2 months!!

Our support groups continue to be well attended. Many report to enjoy the social group held at the Jukebox Café in Dinsdale, as it helps to ease the sense of isolation through connecting with others paddling the same waka. Many look forward to the catchup as a treat to get out of the house for a small time, and to be among others who “get them”. The Young Ladies social group is now into its 3rd month and is going well also. Our Te Awamutu group, run by Fiona, also continues to be a place where the local members find a nice refuge of support and friendship.  I am also looking to establish a social group in Cambridge too, as number are growing in this area. Keep an eye on your email/text for further details for those who live in this area.

Until next time, I hope you stay warm and cosy. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out and make contact. You can phone or text me on 022 1547076 or email me at [email protected]

Nga mihi

Tracey Larsen