Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato.

Oh I love this time of year… I love the autumn hues of red, amber and gold as the trees start to change and lose their leaves, as nature prepares for winter. My favourite time of year. The days getting shorter, and cooler means less time for outdoor activities and more time for resting and relaxing by the fire.  This is the time of year when it is easier to rest guilt-free!!

I wish to say a big thanks to those who have renewed your membership. If you haven’t done so yet, please check your emails for notices from Miranda with the link to renew.

In conversation at one of our online groups today, it was mentioned how validating it is to meet others living with the same conditions and symptom loads. It was also stated that grief cannot begin to be processed until one can speak of it to someone else who listens and understands. How true is that!! Not only for grief but also for processing the complexities of chronic health. And that is why CCI Support exists – we can provide that space where you can connect with others, so you can begin to process all that needs processing. We help you to get your head and heart around it all!  So… don’t forget to renew your membership.

I look forward to connecting with you all again soon.

Tracey Larsen

Waikato H&WF