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ME/CFS/FM Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Poll

The ME/CFS/FM Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Poll Update + the New Severely Ill Vaccine Side-Effects Poll Note the poll can be taken online and has been taken to find out how other people with ME/CFS and/or FM fared with their coronavirus vaccination in Health...

Long covid and vaccines

With governments worldwide under pressure to ease pandemic restrictions as vaccination rates rise and impatience with border restrictions grows, new threats become clearer....

The costs of long Covid

 With governments worldwide under pressure to ease pandemic restrictions as vaccination rates rise and impatience with border restrictions grows, new threats become clearer....

YT: The Why, When and How of Pacing

This Video is useful for explaining pacing and understanding how to use pacing as a tool.  This is a long, but good video – so please pace yourself through watching it. It’s not overstating the fact to state that PACING is the singular most important...


Information sourced by Neurochild Community (18/7/2020). Science is now showing that stillness may be just what we need to regenerate our exhausted brains and bodies. The demands of modern life put a significant burden on the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is...
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