Hi everyone, we hope this finds you well.

We would like to say a huge thank you to those of you who have recently renewed your membership with CCI Support, we are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead and we look forward to connecting with you soon.

Look out for our Monthly Members Meetings this year, we have some interesting topics coming up, with all of us working hard to research and bring you the most up to date information that we can. These meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 10.30am via zoom with a different topic raised and discussed each time.  You will receive the link to each meeting a few days prior. If you are unable to attend the live meeting, please visit the Members section of the website under the Meetings area.  All Monthly Members Meetings are pre-recorded and will be posted here a few days after the event.

May 12th is an incredibly special day in our calendar as we mark World ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) Day.  We will be thinking of all our members on this day, you may see publicity about ME/CFS around this time too as organisations like ours work hard to grow awareness of this condition.

A reminder that our website www.ccisupport.org.nz has a wealth of information for you, if you are unable to log on, or require a log on to be allocated to you, please contact [email protected] or call our office on 0800 224 787 during office hours.

We hope you all have a wonderful month ahead, remember to keep taking good care of yourself.

Tania and Marika