07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

Here we find ourselves in uncertain times yet again. But regardless of what is going on around us, CCI Support is still here and we are doing our best to support our members as best we can. I want to be clear CCI Support is a health organisation and therefore we support ALL members, vaccinated and unvaccinated.  All of our staff are vaccinated, and some things may look a little different (eg no group member meetings face to face, instead held online), but where possible Social groups are still running.  We are preferring Telehealth (video) and phone consults; however, we can also still do some face-to-face appointments (regardless of your vaccination status), but we may get creative with how these are done.

We have some FANTASTIC news!! We introduce 2 new staff members this time, Luisa is the new Wellington Health and Wellness Facilitator, Luisa will be providing support (with a team of Volunteers we are hoping to recruit) for those in the greater Wellington region.  She will be working 20 hours per week.  It’s so awesome to finally have a dedicated staff member for this area.

In the Tauranga office, we have Jemma, who is the amazing new Facilitator Assistant/Administrator.  She is only in her second week, and I already know she will be an amazing asset to the team.

Sadly, we said goodbye to Kelsi and Tabitha over the Christmas break.  Tabitha may still pop in from time to time – she didn’t want to let us go. But we wish them well with their new adventures.

Please don’t let the technological/remote way that we are working put you off contacting us, we are very much still here for you all, please contact us should you need to.

Miranda Whitwell- Ceo


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