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Hi to everyone in sunny Nelson / Marlborough!

With daylight savings springing our clocks forward it now feels a lot more like Spring! I hope everyone is enjoying feeling the warmth of the sun again, it can feel like a nice long hug after the winter months. A timely reminder to maintain hydration levels as we enter the warmer months, aiming for at least 2.5 litres of water each day to facilitate the body’s healing ability, increase energy levels and lower the stress response of the body.

I have enjoyed connecting with many of you recently, a reminder that our CCI Support online social group is held for members who live in the Nelson / Marlborough region on the first Thursday of each month at 1pm. This group provides an opportunity for Nelson / Marlborough based members of CCI Support to meet, discuss various strategies that have been tried recently, share details of local practitioners and / or supportive community agencies / people, or simply just to have a chat with others who understand. Please let me know if you would like further details.

Also, there are three in-person social groups which are held in the Nelson area for anyone who is living with ME / CFS and / or Fibromyalgia. These meetings are only made possible by volunteers, so I would like to personally thank Ian, Kay and Mariane for co-ordinating these groups. Group meetings are as follows:

Richmond Mens Group – Richmond New Life Church, the second Monday of each month, 1pm. Hosted by Ian

Richmond Group – The Ugly Dog & Kitchen, 186 Queen St (Next to carpark entrance by Bed, Bath & Beyond), the first Wednesday of each month, 10.30am. Hosted by Kay / Mariane.

Nelson City Group – Broccoli Row, 112 Collingwood St, the third Monday of each month, 2pm, no host at present, but a lovely chance to gather and connect with others.

The Christmas season is fast approaching, so this can be a good time to begin planning how you will spend this time. A few helpful suggestions include:

  • Let family members know in advance that you may need to rest during gatherings
  • Increase your rest periods in the weeks leading up to planned visits from family and friends (pre-emptive resting)
  • Don’t take on too much of the preparation work for Christmas Day celebrations
  • Have quiet activities organised for visiting grandchildren eg colouring in, sticker books, puzzles, writing a story about their school holidays so far
  • Look out for pre Christmas sales online for early gift selection to prevent feeling pressure of the Christmas rush

I hope you all have a wonderful month of October, and I look forward to connecting with you soon,


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