07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

June 2023

  Kia ora to all my lovely Wellington members! Wow! Where has May gone? How are we in June? I hope you have all had a wonderful May, and enjoyed the pockets of sunshine that we’ve had in the city 😊 Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to have phone calls...

Decode Your Fatigue

A practical guide to overcoming chronic fatigue, adrenaline fatigue syndrome and chronic low energy, by a renowned health expert. Written by Alex Howard Alex Howard had CFS at the age of 16.  He somehow found his way to recovery and created the Optimal Health Clinic...

CEO Report – May 2023

  May is World ME Month, it’s always a big month at CCI Support and this month is no different – There are so many projects going on! From the 1st of May through until the 12th, we will be running our Generosity Generator campaign. This is where we join...

May 2023

  Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I have enjoyed catching up with members from all around NZ this month, it sounds like it is getting cooler in all of the little pockets of our beautiful country. A reminder to dig out the hot water bottles and heat...

May 2023

  Kia ora to our lovely Wellington members! I can’t believe it is April already, is it me or is this year also flying by so fast?! Easter came and went and I am not ashamed to say that I consumed a lot of my children’s Easter eggs (Without them knowing, as my...
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