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Preventing Long COVID

Written by Rosamund Vallings MB BS, featured on www.anzmes.org.nz  We know that any viral illness will be followed by a post-viral phase.  During this time the body is theoretically in “recovery mode.” Even after a simple cold, a person can be left feeling...

August 2022

Winter is certainly upon us, and wild weather through the country to boot, I hope everyone is managing to stay dry and warm.  It’s been another busy few months, trying to finish off the Towards Wellness Programme online Hub and that all important end of year...

August 2022

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well. As a new member of the CCIS team it has been lovely to meet with the new members who have signed up over the last few weeks and current members who I have met since starting. I have learned so much from speaking to you and...
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