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Hello BOP members, I hope this message finds you well, especially during these shorter days and cooler temperatures. It’s crucial to cherish those moments of brightness amidst the chill. Recently, during our Rotorua social coffee gathering, we discussed the...
The role of sleep and dreams in long-COVID

The role of sleep and dreams in long-COVID

While it is well known that sleep disturbances are a common symptom for those with Long COVID, there has been little research into the different types of sleep disturbances that are experienced. The research paper the role of sleep and dreams in long-COVID...

With the weather cooling down, it’s been quite refreshing to step into the office in the mornings. We’re truly grateful for the blessing of having these office spaces. As we embrace May, I wanted to bring your attention to World ME Day. This year, the...

Hi everyone, we hope this finds you well. We would like to say a huge thank you to those of you who have recently renewed your membership with CCI Support, we are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead and we look forward to connecting with you soon. Look out for...
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