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Kia ora and Welcome to the Mighty Waikato  I hope it has not been too foggy at your place this winter. Today, in particular, is a very foggy morning for me here in Morrinsville and I have to travel to the Te Awamutu social group today. I do hope there are not too many...

Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato. I hope you are all having a good day today. And I hope you were all able to enjoy Matariki last week.  A time for reflection, appreciation and celebration of the present and planning for the year ahead. I understand...

Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato. My Goodness!!! June is here. The 6th month of the year, we are halfway through 2024. Time is speeding by. And only a few weeks away from the shortest day of the year. Winter is well and truly here! I hope you are all coping...

Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato. Oh I love this time of year… I love the autumn hues of red, amber and gold as the trees start to change and lose their leaves, as nature prepares for winter. My favourite time of year. The days getting shorter, and cooler...

March 2024

Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato  OMG! Its March already!! I do hope 2024 has started well for you.  It has been a busy start to the year as I reshape how I work which is creating some changes. I am taking on extra areas of support this year,...

December 2023

Kia ora and welcome from the mighty Waikato, My goodness, it feels like the year is speeding up as it nears the end. Only four weeks to go (At the time of writing this) until CCI Support closes to break for Christmas and our summer holidays. It has been an interesting...
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