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Written by Edith Eger

This book had been recommended, so when it came into the library I was super excited to take it home for a read. We have a choice when faced with our illness… to be closed or to be curious. What can we do today to support ourselves and improve our experience?

The Choice is an international bestselling memoire that’s tells a survivor’s story of remarkable strength and courage. Edith and her family were rounded up by Nazi Germany and sent to Auschwitz. In line waiting for there fate, it was one word uttered by Edith that sent her mum in one direction and Edith and her sister in the other. Her mother left her with these few words “We don’t know what’s going to happen. Just remember, no one can take away from you what you’ve put in your mind”.

Edith takes us on a journey of the inhumane cruelty and suffering on her journey through the camp and how she made a choice to survive. After walking the death march Edith is hauled from a pile of lifeless bodies by an American soldier and liberated hours from death. Physical freedom could not set free the mind, Edith was plagued by survivors’ guilt, horrifying memories and flashbacks.

Edith goes on to raise a family, earn a PhD in Psychology and become a successful psychologist. We get journey with some of her clients during their therapy sessions reading how her experience informs her work today. Today Edith helps others learn that “the biggest prison is in their mind”.


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