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A guide to overcoming stress & overwhelm

Written by Dr Libby Weaver

Ranging from physical stress on our body to an emotional load in our mind (Which can become very overwhelming and lead to distress and illness), Dr Libby explains how to identify the physical signs of stress which we may not be aware of, how people pleasing can be detrimental, and how to stress-proof our thinking.

Dr Libby helps the reader to identify their invisible load, providing insight into the overwhelm that they feel for things that used to be ‘easy’.

One point that stood out to me was the difference between being and doing. The shift between being a “Human Being” and a “Human Doing”. Doing is a word that describes all the things that we feel we must do to accomplish a task, or to put another’s needs above our own, or to be busy so as not to appear lazy. If you think about it, we are often very busy being “Human
Doings”, aren’t we? Whereas the word being describes our actions in a different way (E.g:
listening, resting, trusting, planning) … These words automatically feel less overwhelming!

A question to ask ourselves each day could be “Am I being today or am I doing?”. Dr Libby
discusses the effect that stress has on gut health, hormonal changes, the nervous system, the liver and thyroid function, and talks about how to reframe stress.

I found this book to be very easy to read and understand, and it is packed with helpful information.



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