Hello lovely WBOP members. As the weather starts to change, we also must begin to adapt to the changes. Preparing ourselves for the winter months and a time of withdrawal. I have been really enjoying posting breathing practices on our Facebook page and have had a lot of positive feedback from you. My most recent post was on Bhramari breath or humming bee breath. This is an ideal practice to help with concentration and turning within. Turning within or withdrawing can help with acceptance and allowing ourselves to process by giving ourselves space, time, and compassion, in the same way you would a loving friend. Practice mindfulness by observing those autumn colours on the leaves the next time you go out. I want to thank all those that joined me for the restorative movement Monthly Members Meeting. This was something that I wanted to do to explain how we can move with the breath. In the future I will be providing more static restorative postures to help with stretching, movement, and mobility for CFS/ME/FM/POTS. Lastly, our Greerton coffee group is growing, and I am enjoying meeting everyone once a month and making those connections. We have some great conversations and the ideas just flow. Stay safe and take care.