Well, it looks like we have seen the last of those long hot days, but what a summer we had! I want to thank all those that joined me for my first Monthly Members Meeting on breathing. I hope you all got something from that. I did get some lovely feedback, thank you. Since then, I have started a live stream breathing practice once a week. This is something I have been wanting to do for a while, as my background is teaching yoga and breathwork. I do hope you can join me sometime and if not replay the video in your own time. I am looking forward to my next presentation on restorative movement and the breath, for the next members meeting on 12th April. These are all tools we can use for our stress management and self-care. Something that we strongly advocate in managing our symptoms. Remember to also take some time out to reflect on the present moment, look for something beautiful in nature, and connect with the earth. It’s a crazy human world, so we need to have a practice like this to ground ourselves. Just think we are all living on this beautiful rock, which is large enough for individual humans to live an entire life and never see more than a tiny percentage of it! Now that’s amazing, isn’t it?
