Hello, my name is Annabelle. I have a teenage daughter and Irish husband and originally from England. However, have lived in Tauranga Moana for 15 years after travelling for 8 years. I am in love with nature and my interest in holistic health started after completing my Clinical Aromatherapy qualification in 2002. Over the years I have managed a massage therapy business, taught/teach yoga/mindfulness, and worked/supported people of all ages with various disabilities. After completing my Bachelor of Community Health (Majoring in Public Health) in 2020, I am passionate about integrating previous holistic approaches into my work ethos. I believe there is a place for both medical and complementary approaches and that everyone is entitled to a good quality of life best suited for them. I thrive in helping people achieve this and look forward to walking this path with you. I look forward to meeting you soon.

  • Bachelor of Community Health
  • Diploma of Rehabilitation
  • Clinical Aromatherapist
  • Qualified Yoga teacher & Massage therapist