Good day to all of our members, it has been really exciting to see our membership grow as Waikato has come aboard our ship. I have enjoyed reading posts and contributions to conversations on Facebook and getting to know new faces and names. Although I don’t get to comment as often as I would like, I am always eagerly reading in the background and feel proud of the community you have built together.

For International ME & Fibromyalgia Awareness Day on May 12th, we invited the cameras into Head Office and did a short film for the local Herald Focus. A special thank you to Lucy Winefield, who did a fantastic job in sharing how her life has been impacted by chronic illness. Thank you also to Miranda Whitwell CEO and to local journalist Gavin Ogden for his awesome filming and editing. We also managed to get sound bites on The Hits BOP to raise awareness. In the WBOP we held a special event with guest speaker Dr Trish Zingel in Otumoetai.

We are so blessed to have such a curious community of members that enlighten me with new research and interesting articles. You are often our eyes and ears on the ground, so if you come across anything you think we should know about please email the link to [email protected].  Knowledge as we have learned is more power to us all.

If you are struggling now, or anytime, we are here to support you. I am never too busy to take or return a call or respond to an email, so please reach out. We also have the wonderful Rachel our BTI student counsellor who is also able to support WBOP members.

Charlotte Kelp WBOP H&W Facilitator