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1News: Advice being developed to help long COVID

We see it again, that Long COVID advice is still in the development stage in NZ. CCIS already supports people with Long COVID within our community. As well as those with ME/CFS relapse from COVID and ME/CFS symptomatology from the COVID Vaccine. But we are grateful...

The impact of COVID on people with ME/CFS

We have been very lucky in NZ that we haven’t to date had the COVID spread like other countries.  To this end though, we are also locally unaware of the effects of COVID on people with ME/CFS and have to look overseas for related data.  The article linked below...

NICE Guidelines updated 2021

AN ME ASSOCIATION SUMMARY OF THE 2021 NICE CLINICAL GUIDELINE FOR ME/CFS The booklet features the main clinical recommendations from the guideline which we hope will be effectively implemented by healthcare providers as soon as possible. It has been written by Dr...

Research Update on Fibromyalgia (FM), 2021

Research Update on Fibromyalgia (FM), 2021 The Third International Virtual Congress on Fibromyalgia was held in June 2021.  Eleanor Stein MD FRCP(C) was there and captures the essence of this new research. She states that latest research discusses Neuroplasticity and...
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