Kia ora to all our beautiful Wellington members!

Hope everyone is doing well and keeping warm in this freezing cold weather. We have had a few days of sunshine which are so good for our soul and our health.

This month we celebrated Matariki and hopefully everyone got to have a restful long weekend. I braved the cold and the crowds to catch the fireworks in the waterfront which were absolutely spectacular (not so much the crowds though!).

We have been thinking a lot about our monthly members meetings, and the possibility of returning to having them face to face here in Wellington, as I feel like it is really important for us to connect with one another as much as we can. Unfortunately, it is flu season and of course covid is still rampant through our community, and we feel that it is not very safe at the moment for many of us to be planning extra meetings. We have decided to wait a couple more months to attempt these face to face meetings around September time, which is really disappointing, but our main priority is that people feel safe and comfortable coming. We will continue for now to enjoy our meetings online, and I’m crossing all my fingers that we will be back in person very soon!

We do however have our coffee group catch up which our lovely volunteer Frances organises every month. I know many of you receive her emails directly, but if you would like to be reminded of when they are I am happy to so. Frances does a wonderful job at organising the meetings, and as many of you know, she is one of the warmest friendliest person I know. I always look forward to catching up with everyone that comes to them.

Like always, please contact me if you need support or just to chat. I always love hearing from all of you!! Have a wonderful month 😊