We farewell the month of March, and it feels like a lot has happened in our city over the last few weeks! I’m hopeful that next month we will  have a calmer atmosphere and less of the rain and cold weather. 

It has been lovely to get to know some of you over the phone, and I have also had the pleasure of meeting some of you in person at one of the social coffee group ran by our lovely Frances. I am really looking forward to a day soon where we can go back to doing some regional members meetings face to face, but for now, I understand that many of us are self isolating and the priority will always be looking after our health, so please feel free to contact me over the phone or email. I am always happy to help and support you in any way I can.

I am also organising a social zoom meeting with our Wellington members, and so far the responses have suggested a Friday at 1 pm. I will get back to you all with a date so we can hopefully see each other online and make some connections.
