07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]


The winter season has truly made her presence felt in the last few weeks, I hope you are managing to stay warm and dry.

I’m currently in the throws of writing the end of year reports and doing all the stats, and it never ceases to amaze me the mahi / work that CCI Support put through. The amazing feedback from members on how supported they feel and the difference CCI Support has made in the lives of our members and their families is incredibly encouraging for us all. And I know for all the staff, that this dedication, Kaupapa and level of care they provide for our membership is genuine. We are also pleased to welcome Marika (Our new National Facilitator that will work with Tania) to the team.

At the AGM you will get more details, but last financial year we provided over 7,000 facilitator consults! 94 social groups, 34 workshops and monthly member meetings were held too.

The Board, at the lead of our amazing President, Fiona Charlton, work so hard behind the scenes, updating policies and doing strategic planning. I am completely blessed to led by an amazing group of professional, talented people.

The support staff, Christie and Jo work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure that the office runs smoothly, and we have the funds we need to keep going.

The volunteer team is growing throughout the country, and we are so grateful for their support.

Ngā mihi aroha / Kind regards,



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