07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

Preparations for this years Annual General Meeting are in full swing. During this time of preparation, we get a chance to look back at the year that has just passed. We revisit the highs and the lows and look back to see whether we could have done things differently. Often, we ask ourselves whether we think we hit the mark during the year and look ahead to the coming year, making plans for the next 12 – 18 months.

It’s an exciting time for CCI Support, we have a number of ideas that we are working on, and once funding has been secured to make them reality, they will make a significant contribution to those with ME / CFS, Long-COVID and Fibromyalgia.

I’m proud to be the CEO of such an awesome organisation. One that really makes a difference to those we support.

Our Facilitators have introduced a number of new online support groups and I highly recommend that you join in on one of the in person or online groups. These groups offer you the opportunity of receiving support from peers and for you to get involved with CCI Support. The online groups can be joined from the comfort of your home, if you need help joining in, just ask your Facilitator.

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