07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

Thank you for all those that attended the AGM on the 28th of October. It is so good to see how invested our members are in CCI Support.

This year we have grown in services and staff. We now have so many online social groups and they are being well attended, and the in person social groups are also growing.

Our Monthly Member Meetings are always so informative, and we love when you can join us. The Facilitator team put so much time, energy and research into bringing our members the latest information, tools and strategies. It’s a good time to meet the whole team and have a chance to discuss the topic of the month.

I just wanted to let you know – Unless we have a guest speaker – For the most part, the monthly member meeting educational part is pre-recorded by the team. This done so that we can quickly add it to the website for those that couldn’t make it, and also to ensure that our members faces and names are not recorded. This is to protect the privacy of our members. Once the pre-recorded portion has been played, we then open the floor up for discussion. This is a great opportunity for you to ask for clarification on the

We also can announce that we have secured funding from the Tauranga City Council to provide a new dedicated Men’s Mentoring programme and an extension of our Meditation and Mindfulness programme. It’s fantastic to welcome Phil back to the team in this new role.

With absolute kindness and best wishes,


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