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Well winter is well on its way and I feel I am contracting in a little, spending more time inside doing puzzles and more quiet family activities. It has been a busy few months for me, I went to Taupo to meet with some of our lovely members – it’s always nice to get away for a day. I was fortunate this month to meet Dr Ros Vallings and Dr Sarah Dalziel they are a goldmine of information and it was such a pleasure to speak with them and absorb some of their knowledge.

I am very sorry to advise we have had to cancel physical meetings in Rotorua for the time being. I hope to see you all at the online monthly meetings – they are perfect for cosying up at home over the winter period.

How important is Pacing?  I have spent the last 6 months working on fitness, pacing, and monitoring my progress to build up slowly, frustrating at times, but worth it. I am very proud to say I completed the Tongariro Crossing in March. It took me 2 weeks to recover physically and an additional week to feel like myself again. Aftercare is so important when we have a big event, I made sure I did not have anything else planned the weeks following, which made my recovery better. I highly recommend Pacing if you have not tried it or it has been a while. I recommend dusting it off, please contact your CCIS Field Officer if you would like more information or need some help starting pacing.

Bye for now

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