07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

Hi to everyone in sunny Nelson / Marlborough!

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Miriam Gratton, whom many of you may have spoken to, or spent time with, while on your journey with ME / CFS and / or Fibromyalgia. Miriam has been a driving force for years in this region, providing support and advocacy for many. Miriam has relocated and CCI Support is honoured to continue Miriam’s legacy in the Nelson Bays area.

It has been great connecting with many of you over the past few months, there is a great group of members growing in your area and it is lovely to see the support that you are providing to each other in our online group which is held on the first Thursday of each month at 1pm. This group provides an opportunity for Nelson / Marlborough based members of CCI Support to meet, discuss various strategies that have been tried recently, share details of local practitioners and / or
supportive community agencies / people or simply just to have a chat with others who understand. Please let me know if you would like further details.

I also wanted to let you know about three in-person social groups which are held in the Nelson area for anyone who is living with ME / CFS and / or Fibromyalgia. These meetings are only made possible by volunteers, so I would like to personally thank Ian, Kay and Mariane for co-ordinating these groups. Group meetings are as follows:

Richmond Group
Held at The Wooden Spoon Café, 251 Queen Street
On the first Wednesday of each month at 10.30am
Hosted by Kay / Mariane

Richmond Men’s Group
Held at the Richmond New Life Church
On the second Monday of each month at 1pm
Hosted by Ian

Nelson City Group
Held at Broccoli Row, 112 Collingwood Street
On the third Monday of each month at 2pm
No host at present, but this is a lovely chance to gather and connect with others.

We are well on the way to Spring, with a few daffodils saying hello already!! Getting a little bit of sun on the skin each day is both good for the soul and necessary for the body to make Vitamin D which can help to reduce inflammation. Sitting outside for 10 minutes each day can make a huge difference on a sunny day! I look forward to connecting with you soon, in the meantime keep taking good care of yourselves.



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