Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato.

My Goodness!!! June is here. The 6th month of the year, we are halfway through 2024. Time is speeding by. And only a few weeks away from the shortest day of the year. Winter is well and truly here! I hope you are all coping ok with the cooler temperatures.

As you all know, I have just taken a wee break and I am back now, more refreshed than ever. It was good timing for a holiday as I had just recovered from COVID. It is still definitely out there in the community so do take care as you go about your day when out and about. Wearing masks has now become an acceptable thing to do, so please don’t be worried about wearing masks if this makes you feel more confident to be out in the community. Keep up with hand sanitisers too.

Who witnessed the aurora australis recently? To visit Norway to view the northern lights has always been on my bucket list, so it was no surprise that I was buzzing with utter excitement when I could view this amazing wonder of nature from my own property. A stunning phenomenon to witness!!

Thank you for renewing your membership. I look forward to connecting with you all in one way or another over the coming months. However, please do not hesitate to be in touch if you require support in the meantime.

Take Care for now

Tracey Larsen

Waikato Health & Wellness Facilitator