Hello lovely WBOP members.

I hope you’re keeping warm and cosy during these cold winter nights. I don’t know about you, but I just love having my wood fire going. It just makes everything seem warm and is so good just to watch in the evenings. A time to zone out!

As we celebrate the Māori new year (Matariki), we can reflect on the year that has been and look forward to new beginnings and the warmer months to come. With that in mind we say a farewell to Karen our National Wellness facilitator and wish her well on her journey. Then welcome our new National Health and Wellness Facilitator, Roisin (Rosh). I am looking forward to
working with and getting to know Rosh over the coming months.

The past month has been a time to get to know my members more in the area, as I attend our social gatherings and engage in some interesting discussions. I cannot wait until we can confidently begin our monthly member meetings and other meetings in person.

I am playing around with the idea of holding monthly yoga nidra sessions. So watch this space. If you haven’t heard of yoga nidra, it is basically a deep relaxation, where you are guided into relaxation, exploring your body and other visualisations that plant the seeds of hope and wellness. So, watch this space.

We are so very near the end of our Towards Wellness Hub. It has been a mission, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel as we make the finishing touches to the videos.

Lastly, don’t forget to make the most of our meal deal with Meal Box and supplements discounts. To find out more visit our website or ask your Health and Wellness Facilitator. Till next time, keep taking care of yourself.