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Through the Grapevine

Summer is almost over but some will still struggle with heat and will need tools to help cool you down. Managing temperature fluctuations, especially heat, makes living with ME / CFS /  FM / LC and POTS more difficult.  Whilst some of you may enjoy living with reduced...

2024 Monthly Member Meeting Topics

During the planning days that we held in December 2023, we discussed which topics we could cover during our member meetings this year.  We had a list of topics from ideas that we had come up with, as well as suggestions that we received from our members. From...

How to support someone with a chronic illness

PUBLISHED 10/28/20 BY EILEEN DAVIDSON Tania (Health and Wellness Facilitator with CCI Support) found an interesting article last year that discusses some real advice on how and how not to support someone who is living with a chronic illness. The full article can be...

Winners of the 2023 CCI Support Raffle

It’s been a wonderful year at CCI Support and it’s with great pleasure that I announce the winners of the CCI Support 2023 Raffle. We have approximately $1000 of prizes this year. Thank you to everyone who contributed and bought tickets, the money raised...
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