07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

Hello to our top of the South members! I hope you are all managing to stay warm and cosy in this cooler weather. Our online Monthly Members Meeting was held in June and covered GP visits and how to make the most of your time with the GP.  There were some valuable...

Hi to all of our members from the top of the South! We have had a busy month here at CCI Support, with lots of new members joining us, welcome to those of you who are reading this monthly update for the first time. In May our Monthly Members Meeting was presented by...

A very big hello to all our Nelson/Marlborough based members. The months are certainly flying by, as we enter May already! I hope you are settling well into the Autumn season, a reminder that heat packs and hot water bottles can be so helpful for easing aches and...

March 2024

Hi to everyone in sunny Nelson! I hope 2024 has started off nicely for you all and you are settling in to the rhythm of things for the year that lies ahead. I would like to introduce Florence as our newest CCI Support staff member.  Florence is based in Nelson and...

December 2023

Hello everyone!As always, I have enjoyed connecting with many of you over the month of November. We have our last Nelson / Marlborough CCI Support members online support group for the year on Thursday 14th December at 1pm, I hope to see you there. Our first group for...

November 2023

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend, with some time to enjoy the warmer weather. As the weather warms up it can be a nice reminder to enjoy 10 minutes each day in a sunny spot to increase your body’s ability to boost Vitamin D levels. Sitting in the sun, enjoying...
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