Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato
OMG! Its March already!! I do hope 2024 has started well for you.
It has been a busy start to the year as I reshape how I work which is creating some changes. I am taking on extra areas of support this year, which means that volunteers will now be hosting the Hamilton social group meetings. These meetings are, in essence, designed to be run by members, for members. The role of the volunteers is to book the café and to note who attends each month. They will also report back any client questions / concerns that I need to attend to. I will continue to pop in every few months to say hello.
A BIG thank you to my volunteers, for offering to support me in the work we do, it is greatly appreciated. CCI Support is always looking for volunteers to help out with numerous roles within the organisation. If you are interested, please let me know. Volunteering is a great way to test the waters on how much work you can commit to when you are considering returning to work.
Take care for now and enjoy the autumn.

Hamilton Social Group Coordinator

Tracey C
Hamilton Social Group Coordinator

Hamilton Young Ladies Social Group Coordinator &
Check-in Calls

Tracey C
Check-in Calls