Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato.

We are in the last quarter of the year and are sliding very quickly towards Christmas and summer holidays. Spring is well and truly springing – the blossoms are out, the leaves are forming, the weeds are growing, the wind is a-blowing, pollen is everywhere, everyone is a-sneezing and the temperatures are unsettled… Ahhh.. yip, a typical NZ spring is here for sure!

I was loving the early morning daylight too – until the clocks changed to daylight savings. This can be disruptive to our body clocks until we adjust, so do take extra resting and pacing precautions around this time.

Saw a great quote on Facebook the other day…

 “You are not lazy, unmotivated or stuck. After years of living your life in survival mode, you are exhausted. There is a difference.”

This resonated so much with me. Today’s society places so much importance on productivity, and being the perfect person/parent/child/sibling, success is measured by the amount of achievements and money we make, what we own, how active we are, how slim we are, how sparking our careers are etc…

We work so hard for so many things that don’t really matter, but we continue to try to live up to society’s lofty expectations. So many of us are just plainly, flat-out exhausted. Exhausted also from carrying a lot of guilt and shame from not living up to these lofty expectations.

So today, allow yourself the grace and dignity of releasing the guilt and shame. Rest up and indulge yourself with yummy loving self-compassion. You deserve it!!