Kia ora and Welcome to the Mighty Waikato

Spring is in the air and just around the corner. Bring it on I say!!! I am over the wet weather and so looking forward to having some sunshine on my face again. I am looking forward to seeing the flowers spring from their buds and bring colour back into the dreary landscape. The colour of mud and the soggy land really is very dull and unappealing. I love these words by Angie Weilands-Crosby “During the wild uncertainty of a frightened land, Spring reached out her mystical hand; willing to give us hope”. I think she describes what I am feeling really well at present. But also I can relate this to how one living with chronic ill health may feel – How sunshine, the colours of spring, and a warmer dryer climate can stir seedlings of hope, once buried deep in the dark undergrowth of despair.

Mindfulness and gratitude are great tools to use that inspire and grow hope, and springtime is the best and easiest time of year to practice these great strategies!!   So, if you are feeling flat, down, discouraged, or a bit winter bluey, I encourage you to look out the window, or get outside if you can, and be awed by nature – Find three things each day that stand out to you that you can admire and observe, such as the colour of a budding flower, a buzzing bumblebee going about its business, a sleeping cat, a bird feeding its family in a nest, or a sunrise / set or moon rise / set. Fall in love with the beauty of nature. 

I may be sick to death of the dreary winter, but I was in awe of this sunrise the other day hinting at a stormy day ahead.

P.S. If you are feeling low in mood at present, please reach out to your Health and Wellness Facilitator.