Kia Ora and Welcome to 2022. I hope the year has started well for you.

As I write this, we have had some beautiful rain to quench our parched land, however, inevitably, the humidity follows when the sun comes out again. I hope you are all managing ok. If you are struggling, have a look at our December topic notes where I discussed ways to keep cool.

Well, COVID continues to rule our lives here at CCIS with social and in-person members meetings being postponed for now. We will review this month by month as to when we start our meetings again in person. A great thing to have come from this though s our numbers are increasing at our online meetings. It was great to see more of my Waikato people there this week.

The year has started very busy, with record numbers of new clients joining our organization. I am slowly attending to my welfare checks with you all, but please remember to be in touch if you have any questions and concerns. I look forward to connecting with you this year.

Nga mihi

Tracey Larsen.