Kia ora and Welcome to the Mighty Waikato 

I hope it has not been too foggy at your place this winter. Today, in particular, is a very foggy morning for me here in Morrinsville and I have to travel to the Te Awamutu social group today. I do hope there are not too many silly people out there on the roads without their lights on today! 

I wish to shout out a big THANK YOU to my social group co-ordinators, you are all doing such a great job of arranging the cafes and reporting back who attends. I am currently attending the different groups around the Waikato at present, it is great to catch up in person with our members again at these events. 

For my Cambridge and Morrinsville community, I do plan to arrange a one-off social group meeting later in the year so do keep an eye out in your emails for details. Most likely when it is a bit warmer!! 

My in-person monthly members meetings in Hamilton are being well attended. Particularly by those who struggle with technology, they are enjoying meeting together to chat more in-depth about the topic at hand.  Some lovely connections and friendships are also developing which is great to see. This helps to ease that sense of isolation and that someone else “gets it”. So do keep an eye on emails about this monthly event and come along if you are able.  

We are halfway through winter. Summer is on its way, yay! but do keep warm in the meantime.  

Ka kite 
