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Pets! They are such wonderful sources of  unconditional love, support, and connection. Research has shown that having a pet can be helpful for your mental and physical health. They provide much more than just companionship, as they can help reduce your stress...

Hello lovely WBOP members. As the weather starts to change, we also must begin to adapt to the changes. Preparing ourselves for the winter months and a time of withdrawal. I have been really enjoying posting breathing practices on our Facebook page and have had a lot...

Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato The seasons are a changing!! We have now settled into Autumn, and winter will soon be biting at Autumn’s heels, so I do hope you snuggle down somewhere comfortable and enjoy this edition So, here we go again… a slow decline...

Kia Ora and a warm welcome to our lovely Wellington members! I cannot believe how quickly this year is flying by, and I am hopeful that the next coming months we will see some more sunshine in our beautiful capital city. I know that covid has created such disruption...

Hello to all our lovely members and welcome to all the new members that have come onboard. I hope you have all managed to take extra good care of yourselves during this time and with the peak of Omicron on its way down, some normality to our daily lives returns. I am...
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