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Book Reviews and Library Information

CCI Support has a well rounded ‘Wellness Library’. These are free for members to borrow for 4 weeks.  Please have a look at the Library list and contact your Health and Wellness Facilitator or [email protected] to arrange this.  You can view the catalogue by looking at the PDF version of it below.

Do you love reading and reviewing books?

CCI Support would love to hear from you if reading and writing book reviews are your thing.  Please contact us if you are interested in reviewing some of the books in our library [email protected]

Your Symptoms Are Real, Dr Benjamin H. Natelson

Although some 15 years since publication, I found this book to be insightful and still very relevant today.  Dr Natelson validates the reader from page 1 onwards, showing compassion and understanding for people with ongoing pain, fatigue, difficulty thinking and...

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Sacred Rest

How can you keep your energy, happiness, creativity, and relationships fresh and thriving in the midst of never-ending family demands, career pressures, and the stress of everyday life?

Sacred Rest, written by Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith, a board-certified internal medicine doctor, reveals why rest can no longer remain optional.

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The Puzzle Solver

At the age of 27, a mysterious illness began to eat away at Whitney Dafoe. It stole away the strength of his legs, then his voice and his ability to eat, until even the sound of a footstep in his room became unbearable. For years, he underwent endless medical tests until finally receiving a diagnosis

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The Myth of Normal

The Myth of Normal - Written by Gabor Mate & Daniel Mate The Myth of Normal unpacks why chronic disease and mental illness are on the rise. Western medicine focuses on individual pathologies, but what if the key actually lies in our culture? We have normalised...

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Decode Your Fatigue

A practical guide to overcoming chronic fatigue, adrenaline fatigue syndrome and chronic low energy, by a renowned health expert. Written by Alex Howard Alex Howard had CFS at the age of 16.  He somehow found his way to recovery and created the Optimal Health Clinic...

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The Invisible Load

A guide to overcoming stress & overwhelm Written by Dr Libby Weaver Ranging from physical stress on our body to an emotional load in our mind (Which can become very overwhelming and lead to distress and illness), Dr Libby explains how to identify the physical...

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Loving What Is

Four questions that can change your life Written by Byron Katie with Stephen Mitchell   The ideas in this book don’t stem from any Eastern or Western tradition. The ideas originated in the mind of Katie, who had no intention of originating anything. They came...

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Dr Ros Vallings Books

We have all 3 available in the library for you to loan.

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